reading data from (adafruit ultimate GPS v3) using PIC18f455

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reading data from (adafruit ultimate GPS v3) using PIC18f455

Post by dreemoo »


recently I've purchased this (adafruit ultimate GPS v3), and I've tried to interface it with PIC18f4550 to display longitude & latitude on an LCD.
the problem is that I only get the information clearly once, then when the code is repeating itself I got some undefined data and then It stop showing anything until I push the PIC18 reset button.

this is the code that I'm using

Code: Select all

//  Last Modified: 27/04/2014

#define FREQ 12000000  // this is crystal value 
#define baud 9600 // baud rate that supported by GPS
#define spbrg_value (((FREQ/64)/baud)-1)

#pragma config PLLDIV = 3
#pragma config CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2
#pragma config FOSC = HS
#pragma config MCLRE = ON
#pragma config WDT = OFF, DEBUG = OFF
#pragma config LVP = OFF
#pragma config PWRT = OFF 
#pragma config PBADEN = OFF
#pragma config ICPRT = OFF

 //    defining LCD PORT   
#define ldata PORTD    
#define rs PORTCbits.RC0
#define rw PORTCbits.RC1
#define en PORTCbits.RC2

 //Defining the LCD commands
void lcdcmd(unsigned char value)
ldata = value;
rs = 0;
rw = 0;
en = 1;
Delay100TCYx( 30 );
en = 0;

//Defining the LCD display
void lcddata(unsigned char value)
ldata = value;
rs = 1;
rw = 0;
en = 1;
Delay100TCYx( 30 );
en = 0;

// LCD initialization 
// ------------------------------

void lcd_ini()
lcdcmd(0x38);	//LCD matrix
Delay10KTCYx( 75 );
lcdcmd(0x0E);	//Blink curser
Delay10KTCYx( 4 );
lcdcmd(0x01);	//Clear LCD
Delay10KTCYx( 4 );
lcdcmd(0x06);	  //increment curser
Delay10KTCYx( 4 );
lcdcmd(0x80); //start at firs line, first position
Delay10KTCYx( 4 );

  receiving data from GPS
unsigned char rx_data(void)
while(PIR1bits.RCIF==0); // Wait until RCIF gets low
return RCREG; // Store data in Reception register


void main()

TRISD = 0;  //Set it output for the LCD
TRISCbits.RC0 = 0; //Set it output for RS
TRISCbits.RC1 = 0; //Set it output for RW
TRISCbits.RC2 = 0; //Set it output for en
TRISCbits.RC7 = 1; //RX pin set as input

SPBRG=spbrg_value; //Fill SPBRG register to set the baud rate
RCSTAbits.SPEN=1; // To activate serial port (Tx and Rx pins)
RCSTAbits.CREN=1; // To enable continuous reception


unsigned char ch;
unsigned char utc[10]= {0};
unsigned char lat[9]= {0};
char NS,EW;
unsigned char longt[10]= {0};
  int i,j,k;

lcd_ini(); //initialize the LCD

   ch= rx_data();
   if (ch=='$')
                        ch= rx_data();
                        if (ch=='G')
                                ch= rx_data();
                                if (ch=='P')
                                        ch= rx_data();
                                        if (ch=='G')
                                                ch= rx_data();
                                                if (ch=='G')
                                                        ch= rx_data();
                                                        if (ch=='A')
                                                                if (ch==',')
                                                                        rx_data();// , get the caracter ',' but it just to get the caracter. Just to separate utc[10] and lat[9] 
                                                                        rx_data(); // , get the caracter ',' but it just to get the caracter. Just to separate lat[9] and NS 
                                                                        NS=rx_data(); // is it North or South
                                                                        rx_data(); // , get the caracter ',' but it just to get the caracter. Just to separate NS and longt[10] 
                                                                        rx_data(); //  , 
                                                                        EW=rx_data();//is it east or west
                                                        } else goto again;
                                                } else goto again;
                                        } else goto again;

//display Latitude & Longitude

Delay10KTCYx( 250);  // some delay (1000ms)
Delay10KTCYx( 250);

Delay10KTCYx( 250);




this is when the code start running
this is when the code start running
DSC_0415 (640x360).jpg (183.97 KiB) Viewed 427 times
this is when the code is repeating
this is when the code is repeating
DSC_0416 (640x360).jpg (184.43 KiB) Viewed 427 times

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Re: reading data from (adafruit ultimate GPS v3) using PIC18

Post by Franklin97355 »

That looks like you are sending garbage to the LCD. Can you set up a program that just prints the strings the GPS outputs?

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Re: reading data from (adafruit ultimate GPS v3) using PIC18

Post by dreemoo »

franklin97355 wrote:That looks like you are sending garbage to the LCD. Can you set up a program that just prints the strings the GPS outputs?
how can I do that ?
do u mean like I make a condition at each line ?

and thanks for replying

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Re: reading data from (adafruit ultimate GPS v3) using PIC18

Post by Franklin97355 »

Not sure how you would do that with a pic but the GPS outputs serial data so you can display that in a terminal window.

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