Square Pixel Matrix...Help-A-N00b

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Square Pixel Matrix...Help-A-N00b

Post by CodeCowboy »

Hello all, I am a software developer but brand new to physical interfaces. I am attempting to understand what kind of microcontroller I can use to drive an LED matrix (tricolor).

I want to:
1. press a button / switch which will trigger a preset program
2. I would want the button to have one button / switch position to trigger one color and the other another position/animation
3. FadeCandy has some awesome effects possible, but clearly way more $$
4. I'd like to power it with a USB connection, direct to computer or DC adapter if I have to.
5. the "switch" could be software through USB or a physical switch

Any help or direction is appreciated!

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Re: Square Pixel Matrix...Help-A-N00b

Post by Franklin97355 »

I can use to drive an LED matrix (tricolor).
One of ours (which one?) or a custom one? Most micros will communicate through the USB serial connection so that should not be too difficult. I think it can be done.

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