Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

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Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

Post by kculm »

Hi all,

I need a little help.

I have written a simple little sketch involving 3 LED's and A Push Button.

It works fine on the Bread Board hooked up to the Arduino UNO. But when I put the code on a atTiny85 it wont run. I know I am programming the chip right. I have tested it with the Blink sketch.

I think it has something to do with the way I have it set up. I noticed pin 2 on the Arduino when sent as Analog input give out about 2 vdc, Pin 2(3) on the Tiny85 puts out 5. Not sure if I am on the right track with that. all so please keep in mind I am very new to all this, just over a week old.

Attached is my code and layout


Code: Select all

 *  Night Lite, final version

int switchPin = 3;              // switch is connected to pin 3 (pin 2 on Arduino)  
int led1Pin = 0;                // Blue LED on Pin 8 on Arduino
int led2Pin = 1;                // Green LED on Pin 9 on Arduino
int led3Pin = 2;               // Red LED on Pin 10  on Arduino

int val;                        // variable for reading the pin status
int val2;                       // variable for reading the delayed status
int buttonState;                // variable to hold the button state

int lightMode = 0;              // What mode is the light in?

void setup() {
  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);    // Set the switch pin as input

  pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led3Pin, OUTPUT);

  Serial.begin(9600);           // Set up serial communication at 9600bps
  buttonState = digitalRead(switchPin);   // read the initial state

void loop(){
  val = digitalRead(switchPin);      // read input value and store it in val
  delay(10);                         // 10 milliseconds is a good amount of time
  val2 = digitalRead(switchPin);     // read the input again to check for bounces
  if (val == val2) {                 // make sure we got 2 consistant readings!
    if (val != buttonState) {          // the button state has changed!
      if (val == LOW) {                // check if the button is pressed
        if (lightMode == 0) {          // if its off
          lightMode = 1;               // turn lights on!
        else {
          if (lightMode == 1) {        // if its all-on
            lightMode = 2;             // make it blink!
          else {
            if (lightMode == 2) {      // if its blinking
              lightMode = 3;           // make it wave!
            else {
              if (lightMode == 3) { //  if its waving, 
                lightMode = 4; 
                if (lightMode == 4){
                  lightMode =0;
                } // turn light off!
      buttonState = val;                 // save the new state in our variable

    // Now do whatever the lightMode indicates
    if (lightMode == 0) { // all-off
      digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);


    if (lightMode == 1) { // Blue On
      digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);

    if (lightMode == 2) { // Blue off, Green On
      digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);

    if (lightMode == 3)  { // Red On Green Off
      digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(led3Pin, HIGH);
    if (lightMode == 4) { // Flame
      analogWrite(led1Pin, random(120)+135);
      analogWrite(led2Pin, random(120)+135);
      analogWrite(led3Pin, random(120)+135);


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Re: Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

Post by kewakl »

Is pin 1(PB5/RESET) floating?
Try a pullup. Maybe 10K.

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Re: Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

lovely. Even when LOGGED IN!
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Re: Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

Post by adafruit »

kewakl wrote:We are unable to confirm that this post is not spam - please complete the captcha below and re-submit your post.[/color] Just lovely. Even when LOGGED IN!
if you're an adafruit customer and your email is associated with your forum account you will not see the captcha.

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Re: Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

Post by tromo »

I'm suspicious of the Serial.begin() statement. The tiny85 has a USI, not a USART, and I don't think arduino supports hardware serial on it because of that. I'd try removing it and see if that makes a difference.

One thing I find helpful is to flash the LEDs during setup so I know the code is running (or I know what phase of startup I'm in if it's complex). You could do a quick ramp up of intensity as a power-on test to verify the LEDs are working as is PWM on those pins...

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Re: Help with shrinking program on to Tiny85

Post by jigsawnz »

What about this. I changed the code from if/else statements into a "switch case". It works the same but is easier to work with in your case I think. The pin change uses interrupt so it will register a button change while it is in the middle of processing something else. The random function now has a seed from a potentiometer on pin 4. check for more details.

hope it helps,


Code: Select all

// this constant won't change:
const int led1Pin = 0;   // Blue LED on Pin 8 on Arduino
const int led2Pin = 1;   // Green LED on Pin 9 on Arduino
const int led3Pin = 2;   // Red LED on Pin 10  on Arduino
const int buttonPin = 3; // the pin that the pushbutton is attached to
const int potPin = 4;    // the pin that the potentiometer is attached to

// Variables will change:
int buttonPushCounter = 0;   // counter for the number of button presses
int buttonState = 0;         // current state of the button
int lastButtonState = 0;     // previous state of the button

void setup() {
  // initialize the button pin as a input:
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led3Pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);
  attachInterrupt(buttonPin, stateChange, CHANGE);

void loop() {  
  // do something different depending on the 
  // buttonPushCounter:
  switch (buttonPushCounter) {
  case 0:    
  case 1:    
  case 2:    
  case 3:    
  case 4:    
void stateChange()
  // read the pushbutton input pin:
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
    // if the state has changed, increment the counter
    if (buttonState == HIGH)
  // save the current state as the last state, 
  //for next time through the loop
  lastButtonState = buttonState;
  if (buttonPushCounter > 4)
    buttonPushCounter = 0;
void sequence0()
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led3Pin, LOW);

void sequence1()
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);

void sequence2()
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);

void sequence3()
  digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led3Pin, HIGH);

void sequence4()
  analogWrite(led1Pin, random(135, 255));
  analogWrite(led2Pin, random(135, 255));
  analogWrite(led3Pin, random(135, 255));

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