Wave Shield Inconsistent compiles

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Wave Shield Inconsistent compiles

Post by Adept »

Hi, I'm working on a wave shield project. I added the MEMs sensor to the design. I want the wave shield to play different sets of sounds based on the orientation of the device.

But, I'm having some issues. I started having problem when I got to about 80 files on the SD card. If I add any more, the program will compile, but only some of the sound files may play partially, or none will. If I comment out the latest added file, things get better, but it doesn't seem very stable to me.

I see two weird behaviors.

1. Normally the serial debug window shows a list of all the files I have on the SD card. If I add another file, the file list is blank or is garbage. Sound may play or may not.

2. Some of the 80 I currently have, may or may not play. Seems to be compile pass dependent. Either everything plays, or some will not. They are just skipped.

Here is my setup:
void setup() {
analogReference(EXTERNAL); // Using the MEMs reference.
// set up Serial library at 9600 bps
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output

if (!card.init()) {
error("Card init. failed!");
if (!vol.init(card)) {
error("No partition!");
if (!root.openRoot(vol)) {
error("Couldn't open dir");

PgmPrintln("Files found:");


In the main loop I use the playcomplete() subroutine to play the files. Works usually. I just downloaded the latest WaveHC lib, but it seems to behave the same.,



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Re: Wave Shield Inconsistent compiles

Post by Adept »

Dang it, sorry to bother you all. I figured it out.

I had a feeling that it was related to the serial print stuff. I saw the post on buffer over runs with the serial port. I didn't find the same file or line to change, but I did edit the HardwareSerial.cpp file.

On line 59 I changed the SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE from 64 to 16. That seemed to fix it. Also, some prints that weren't coming out are working now.

Don't you love it when a user figures out their own answer before you have to spend any time on it.


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Re: Wave Shield Inconsistent compiles

Post by adafruit_support_bill »

Don't you love it when a user figures out their own answer before you have to spend any time on it.

Please be positive and constructive with your questions and comments.

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