5 x 8 LED shield Noob.

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5 x 8 LED shield Noob.

Post by ElectronicOz »

Reading the stuff about it, and how all the NEOPIXEL thingies work, they use PIN 6 of the arduino, and nothing else.

Downloading the sketch called GOGGLES, PIN 6 isn't used. PIN 0 is defined.

C'mon folks, please keep things consistent.

Now, putting that aside, I am confused why ALL the pins are put through?

This board would be the "top" of the stack - if you have more than one shield - and you would only need the ONE pin to control the LED's.

Granted structural stability would be nice, but I am now wondering WHICH PIN ON THE SHIELD is connected to control the LED's?

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Re: 5 x 8 LED shield Noob.

Post by Franklin97355 »

According to the documentation on the product page
Only one pin (Digital #6) is required to control all the LEDs. You can cut a trace and use nearly any other pin if you need some customization.
In the Steampunk goggles pin 10 is used and in the Kaleidoscope Eyes (Trinket-Powered NeoPixel LED Ring Goggles) pin 0 is used because the Trinket does not use the same pin assignments as other micros.

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