NeoPixel Library

EL Wire/Tape/Panels, LEDs, pixels and strips, LCDs and TFTs, etc products from Adafruit

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NeoPixel Library

Post by 1chicagodave »

I'm just gonna go ahead and direct this to Phil Burgess -

After reading a lot of forum posts over the last few months, a good amount of research, a few excel graphs of calculated signal timing, and some experimentation, I decided to attempt to write a single bit of code which will work with all 8-bit AVR's, and control any of the versions of NeoPixels which exist.

I finally have something which seems to work....almost. :?

I discovered that a few of the assembler instructions used a different number of clock ticks if the chip was a Tiny or a Mega. I also found that the timings of 1's and 0's changed a little between different sets of instructions.

I eliminated all but one instruction with variable clock ticks. I also changed the data rate to ~600 KHZ or so, and tried to keep each secition of the HI-LO "bit sandwich" the same for both 1's and 0's and for all clock speeds.

I've tested it with both NeoPixel rings (6-pin pixels) and Strips with 4-pin pixels - works!
I've tested it with Uno @ 16 MHZ, port B - works!
..... Trinket @ 16 MHZ and 8 MHZ - works!
.... Micro @ 16 MHZ on pin 6 - works!

I could not get it to work with adjacent pins on the Micro, and really haven't tried many pins on the other devices yet. I think the port thing may be messing me up at this point. I honestly get a little confused with the rabbit hole tree of functions used to assign masks for each pin across the different hardware devices. :roll:

I also changed the constructor a little to eliminate the KHZ400 & KHZ 800 options (since rate is constant now.)

I just got it working this week, so it's still a bit sloppy. But, here is the source (.cpp) in it's entirety, if you could take a look at it and see what it's missing?


Code: Select all

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  An attempt to create "The One Routine to Run Them All" 
  To run all NeoPixel versions from all 8-bit AVRs

  (Mostly copy-n-pasted) by David Ratliff (1ChicagoDave) Jan 2014
  Arduino library to control a wide variety of WS2811- and WS2812-based RGB
  LED devices such as Adafruit FLORA RGB Smart Pixels and NeoPixel strips.
  Currently handles 400 and 800 KHz bitstreams on 8, 12 and 16 MHz ATmega
  MCUs, with LEDs wired for RGB or GRB color order.  8 MHz MCUs provide
  output on PORTB and PORTD, while 16 MHz chips can handle most output pins
  (possible exception with upper PORT registers on the Arduino Mega).

  Written by Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries,
  contributions by PJRC and other members of the open source community.

  Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
  please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products
  from Adafruit!
  This file is part of the Adafruit NeoPixel library.

  NeoPixel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
  the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  NeoPixel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with NeoPixel.  If not, see

#include "onePixel.h"

Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint8_t p, uint8_t t) : numLEDs(n), numBytes(n * 3), pin(p), pixels(NULL)
 #if defined(NEO_RGB)
#ifdef __AVR__
  if((pixels = (uint8_t *)malloc(numBytes))) {
    memset(pixels, 0, numBytes);
Adafruit_NeoPixel::~Adafruit_NeoPixel() {
  if(pixels) free(pixels);
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);

void Adafruit_NeoPixel::begin(void) {
  pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

void Adafruit_NeoPixel::show(void) {

  if(!pixels) return;

  // Data latch = 50+ microsecond pause in the output stream.  Rather than
  // put a delay at the end of the function, the ending time is noted and
  // the function will simply hold off (if needed) on issuing the
  // subsequent round of data until the latch time has elapsed.  This
  // allows the mainline code to start generating the next frame of data
  // rather than stalling for the latch.
  while((micros() - endTime) < 50L);
  // endTime is a private member (rather than global var) so that multiple
  // instances on different pins can be quickly issued in succession (each
  // instance doesn't delay the next).

  // In order to make this code runtime-configurable to work with any pin,
  // SBI/CBI instructions are eschewed in favor of full PORT writes via the
  // OUT or ST instructions.  It relies on two facts: that peripheral
  // functions (such as PWM) take precedence on output pins, so our PORT-
  // wide writes won't interfere, and that interrupts are globally disabled
  // while data is being issued to the LEDs, so no other code will be
  // accessing the PORT.  The code takes an initial 'snapshot' of the PORT
  // state, computes 'pin high' and 'pin low' values, and writes these back
  // to the PORT register as needed.

  noInterrupts(); // Need 100% focus on instruction timing

#ifdef __AVR__

  volatile uint16_t
    i   = numBytes; // Loop counter
  volatile uint8_t
   *ptr = pixels,   // Pointer to next byte
    b   = *ptr++,   // Current byte value
    hi,             // PORT w/output bit set high
    lo;             // PORT w/output bit set low

                  // 8 MHz(ish) AVR ---------------------------------------------------------
//  Define clock speed -                   
#if (F_CPU >= 7400000UL) && (F_CPU <= 9500000UL)
  #define CPUSPEED 8
#elif (F_CPU >= 11100000UL) && (F_CPU <= 14300000UL)
  #define CPUSPEED 12
#elif (F_CPU >= 15400000UL) && (F_CPU <= 19000000L)
  #define CPUSPEED 16
#endif   // CPU Clock Speed

  //  volatile uint8_t n1, n2 = 0;  // First, next bits out

/* ***************************************************** The One Routine (AVR) ****************************************** */
    //  Based on 400KHZ 8MHZ Adafruit instructions. Adjusted to meet timing specs from datasheet at 600MHZ.
    // All instruction except "LD" use same number instructions for all cores
    //  Extra NOPs added to maintain timing at all clock speeds (MHZ)
    //  Precompiler instructions added to control port and clock speed used.
    //  - 1CD
    // for 8MHZ ~600KHZ
    // 18 inst. clocks per bit: BANNED
    // OUT instructions:        ^  ^      ^   ^		(T=0,3,10,14)

    //  For 12 MHZ ~600 KHz 
    // 30 instruction clocks per bit: BANNED
    // OUT instructions:              ^   ^            ^    ^	(T=0,4,17,22)
    // For 16 MHz ~600 KHZ 
    // 40 instruction  clocks per bit: BANNED
    // OUT instructions:               ^     ^             ^      ^		(T=0,6,20,26)

        volatile uint8_t next, bit;
  	  hi   = *port |  pinMask;
   	  lo   = *port & ~pinMask;
   	  next = lo;
   	  bit  = 8;

    asm volatile(
      // This runs for all bits (0's and 1's)               
                                                    //        (8 MHZ)     (12 MHZ)      (16 MHZ)
                                                    //        125ns/clk   80ns/clk    62.5ns/clk
     "head20:"                  "\n\t" // Clk  Pseudocode     
      "out   %[port], %[hi]"    "\n\t" // 1    PORT = hi     (T = 0)      (T = 0)	    (T = 0)	 write
      "sbrc %[byte] , 7"        "\n\t" // 1-2  if(b & 128)
      "mov  %[next], %[hi]"     "\n\t" // 0-1  next = hi     (T = 2)      (T = 2)     (T = 2)
#if CPUSPEED == 12
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop                        (T = 3)
#if CPUSPEED == 16
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop                                    (T = 3)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 5)
      "out   %[port], %[next]"  "\n\t" // 1    PORT = next   (T = 3)	  (T = 4)     (T = 6)	  write
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop           (T = 4)      (T = 5)     (T = 7)               
      "mov  %[next] , %[lo]"    "\n\t" // 1    next = lo     (T = 5)      (T = 6)     (T = 8)
      "dec  %[bit]"             "\n\t" // 1    bit--         (T = 6)      (T = 7)     (T = 9)
      "breq nextbyte20"         "\n\t" // 1-2  if(bit == 0) skip to code at 'nextbyte20:'

  // This runs if bit == 1

      "rol  %[byte]"            "\n\t" // 1    b <<= 1       (T = 8)      (T = 9)     (T = 11)
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop           (T = 9)      (T = 10)    (T = 12)	
#if CPUSPEED == 12
   	  "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                    (T = 12)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                    (T = 14)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                    (T = 16)
  #endif  //  12MHZ
#if CPUSPEED == 16
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop                                    (T = 13)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 15)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 17)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 19)
  #endif  //  16MHZ
      "out   %[port], %[lo]"    "\n\t" // 1    PORT = lo     (T = 10)     (T = 17)    (T = 20)	  write
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop       (T = 12)     (T = 19)    (T = 22)
#if CPUSPEED == 12
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop                        (T = 20)    
  #endif  // 12MHZ
#if CPUSPEED == 16
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop       	                      (T = 24)
  #endif  //  16MHZ
      "rjmp head20"             "\n\t" // 2    -> head20     (T = 14)     (T = 22)    (T = 26)
   // This runs if bit == 0
      "nextbyte20:"             "\n\t" //                    (T = 8)      (T = 9)     (T = 11)
      "nop"                     "\n\t" // 1    nop           (T = 9)      (T = 10)    (T = 12)	
#if CPUSPEED == 12
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                    (T = 12)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                    (T = 14)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                    (T = 16)
  #endif // 12MHA
   //  12MHZ
#if CPUSPEED == 16
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 14)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 16)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 18)
      "rjmp .+0"                "\n\t" // 2    nop nop                                (T = 20)
  #endif // 16MHZ 
  //  16MHZ
      "out   %[port], %[lo]"    "\n\t" // 1    PORT = lo     (T = 10)     (T = 17)    (T = 21)	write
      "ldi  %[bit]  , 8"        "\n\t" // 1    bit = 8       (T = 11)     (T = 18)    (T = 22)
      "ld   %[byte] , %a[ptr]+" "\n\t" // 2/1/2 b = *ptr++   (T = 12)     (T = 20)    (T = 24) ( *Only 1 inst. on MEGA)
      "sbiw %[count], 1"        "\n\t" // 2    i--           (T = 14)     (T = 22)    (T = 26)
      "brne head20"             "\n"   // 2    if(i != 0) -> (next byte)   Back to the top!

      : [byte]  "+r" (b),
        [bit]   "+r" (bit),
        [next]  "+r" (next),
        [count] "+w" (i)
#if defined PORTD
      : [port]   "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD)),
#elif defined PORTB
      : [port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB)),
      // PORTB
        [ptr]    "e" (ptr),
        [hi]     "r" (hi),
        [lo]     "r" (lo));
// #endif  // AVR
// #if 

//  END OF AVR  --- BEGIN ARM (TEENSY 3.0 3.1 )*********

#elif defined(__arm__)

#if defined(__MK20DX128__) || defined(__MK20DX256__) // Teensy 3.0 & 3.1
#define CYCLES_800_T0H  (F_CPU / 2500000)    
#define CYCLES_800_T1H  (F_CPU / 1250000)
#define CYCLES_800      (F_CPU /  800000)
#define CYCLES_400_T0H  (F_CPU / 2000000)
#define CYCLES_400_T1H  (F_CPU /  833333)
#define CYCLES_400      (F_CPU /  400000)

  uint8_t          *p   = pixels,
                   *end = p + numBytes, pix, mask;
  volatile uint8_t *set = portSetRegister(pin),
                   *clr = portClearRegister(pin);
  uint32_t          cyc;


 #ifdef NEO_KHZ400
  if((type) == NEO_KHZ800) { // 800 KHz bitstream
 #endif	// NEO_KHZ400
    cyc = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT + CYCLES_800;
    while(p < end) {
      pix = *p++;
      for(mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
        while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800);
        cyc  = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT;
        *set = 1;
        if(pix & mask) {
          while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T1H);
        } else {
          while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800_T0H);
        *clr = 1;
    while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_800);
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400
  } else { // 400 kHz bitstream
    cyc = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT + CYCLES_400;
    while(p < end) {
      pix = *p++;
      for(mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1) {
        while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400);
        cyc  = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT;
        *set = 1;
        if(pix & mask) {
          while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T1H);
        } else {
          while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400_T0H);
        *clr = 1;
    while(ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - cyc < CYCLES_400);
#endif // NEO_KHZ400

#else // Arduino Due

  #define SCALE      VARIANT_MCK / 2UL / 1000000UL
  #define INST       (2UL * F_CPU / VARIANT_MCK)
  #define TIME_800_0 ((int)(0.40 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
  #define TIME_800_1 ((int)(0.80 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
  #define PERIOD_800 ((int)(1.25 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
  #define TIME_400_0 ((int)(0.50 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
  #define TIME_400_1 ((int)(1.20 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))
  #define PERIOD_400 ((int)(2.50 * SCALE + 0.5) - (5 * INST))

  int             pinMask, time0, time1, period, t;
  Pio            *port;
  volatile WoReg *portSet, *portClear, *timeValue, *timeReset;
  uint8_t        *p, *end, pix, mask;

  TC_Configure(TC1, 0,
  TC_Start(TC1, 0);

  pinMask   = g_APinDescription[pin].ulPin; // Don't 'optimize' these into
  port      = g_APinDescription[pin].pPort; // declarations above.  Want to
  portSet   = &(port->PIO_SODR);            // burn a few cycles after
  portClear = &(port->PIO_CODR);            // starting timer to minimize
  timeValue = &(TC1->TC_CHANNEL[0].TC_CV);  // the initial 'while'.
  timeReset = &(TC1->TC_CHANNEL[0].TC_CCR);
  p         =  pixels;
  end       =  p + numBytes;
  pix       = *p++;
  mask      = 0x80;

#ifdef NEO_KHZ400
 if((type & NEO_SPDMASK) == NEO_KHZ800) { // 800 KHz bitstream
    time0 = TIME_800_0;
    time1 = TIME_800_1;
    period = PERIOD_800;
#ifdef NEO_KHZ400
  } else { // 400 KHz bitstream
    time0 = TIME_400_0;
    time1 = TIME_400_1;
    period = PERIOD_400;

  for(t = time0;; t = time0) {
    if(pix & mask) t = time1;
    while(*timeValue < period);
    *portSet   = pinMask;
    *timeReset = TC_CCR_CLKEN | TC_CCR_SWTRG;
    while(*timeValue < t);
    *portClear = pinMask;
    if(!(mask >>= 1)) {   // This 'inside-out' loop logic utilizes
      if(p >= end) break; // idle time to minimize inter-byte delays.
      pix = *p++;
      mask = 0x80;
  while(*timeValue < period); // Wait for last bit
  TC_Stop(TC1, 0);

#endif // end Arduino Due
#endif // end Architecture select

  endTime = micros(); // Save EOD time for latch on next call

// Set the output pin number
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPin(uint8_t p) {
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);
  pin = p;
  pinMode(p, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(p, LOW);
#ifdef __AVR__
  port    = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(p));
  pinMask = digitalPinToBitMask(p);

// Set pixel color from separate R,G,B components:
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(
 uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  if(n < numLEDs) {
    if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
      r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
      g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
      b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
    uint8_t *p = &pixels[n * 3];
#ifdef NEO_RGB
    if((type & NEO_COLMASK) == NEO_GRB) {
      *p++ = g;
      *p++ = r;
#ifdef NEO_RGB
    } else {
      *p++ = r;
      *p++ = g;
    *p = b;

// Set pixel color from 'packed' 32-bit RGB color:
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c) {
  if(n < numLEDs) {
      r = (uint8_t)(c >> 16),
      g = (uint8_t)(c >>  8),
      b = (uint8_t)c;
    if(brightness) { // See notes in setBrightness()
      r = (r * brightness) >> 8;
      g = (g * brightness) >> 8;
      b = (b * brightness) >> 8;
    uint8_t *p = &pixels[n * 3];
#ifdef NEO_RGB
    if((type & NEO_COLMASK) == NEO_GRB) {
      *p++ = g;
      *p++ = r;
#ifdef NEO_RGB
    } else {
      *p++ = r;
      *p++ = g;
    *p = b;

// Convert separate R,G,B into packed 32-bit RGB color.
// Packed format is always RGB, regardless of LED strand color order.
uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  return ((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g <<  8) | b;

// Query color from previously-set pixel (returns packed 32-bit RGB value)
uint32_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const {

  if(n < numLEDs) {
    uint16_t ofs = n * 3;
    return (uint32_t)(pixels[ofs + 2]) |
#ifdef NEO_RGB
      (((type & NEO_COLMASK) == NEO_GRB) ?
        ((uint32_t)(pixels[ofs    ]) <<  8) |
        ((uint32_t)(pixels[ofs + 1]) << 16)
#ifdef NEO_RGB
        ((uint32_t)(pixels[ofs    ]) << 16) |
        ((uint32_t)(pixels[ofs + 1]) <<  8) )

  return 0; // Pixel # is out of bounds

uint8_t *Adafruit_NeoPixel::getPixels(void) const {
  return pixels;

uint16_t Adafruit_NeoPixel::numPixels(void) const {
  return numLEDs;

// Adjust output brightness; 0=darkest (off), 255=brightest.  This does
// NOT immediately affect what's currently displayed on the LEDs.  The
// next call to show() will refresh the LEDs at this level.  However,
// this process is potentially "lossy," especially when increasing
// brightness.  The tight timing in the WS2811/WS2812 code means there
// aren't enough free cycles to perform this scaling on the fly as data
// is issued.  So we make a pass through the existing color data in RAM
// and scale it (subsequent graphics commands also work at this
// brightness level).  If there's a significant step up in brightness,
// the limited number of steps (quantization) in the old data will be
// quite visible in the re-scaled version.  For a non-destructive
// change, you'll need to re-render the full strip data.  C'est la vie.
void Adafruit_NeoPixel::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
  // Stored brightness value is different than what's passed.
  // This simplifies the actual scaling math later, allowing a fast
  // 8x8-bit multiply and taking the MSB.  'brightness' is a uint8_t,
  // adding 1 here may (intentionally) roll 0 = max brightness
  // (color values are interpreted literally; no scaling), 1 = min
  // brightness (off), 255 = just below max brightness.
  uint8_t newBrightness = b + 1;
  if(newBrightness != brightness) { // Compare against prior value
    // Brightness has changed -- re-scale existing data in RAM
    uint8_t  c,
            *ptr           = pixels,
             oldBrightness = brightness - 1; // De-wrap old brightness value
    uint16_t scale;
    if(oldBrightness == 0) scale = 0; // Avoid /0
    else if(b == 255) scale = 65535 / oldBrightness;
    else scale = (((uint16_t)newBrightness << 8) - 1) / oldBrightness;
    for(uint16_t i=0; i<numBytes; i++) {
      c      = *ptr;
      *ptr++ = (c * scale) >> 8;
    brightness = newBrightness;

And here is (I believe) the only modified part of the header file -

Code: Select all

#ifndef ONEPIXEL_H
#define ONEPIXEL_H

#if (ARDUINO >= 100)
 #include <Arduino.h>
 #include <WProgram.h>
 #include <pins_arduino.h>

// 'type' flags for LED pixels (third parameter to constructor):
#define NEO_GRB     0x01 // Wired for GRB data order
#define NEO_COLMASK 0x01
// #define NEO_KHZ800  0x02 // 800 KHz datastream
#define NEO_SPDMASK 0x02
// Trinket flash space is tight, v1 NeoPixels aren't handled by default.
// Remove the ifndef/endif to add support -- but code will be bigger.
// Conversely, can comment out the #defines to save space on other MCUs.
// #ifndef __AVR_ATtiny85__
#define NEO_RGB     0x00 // Wired for RGB data order
//#define NEO_KHZ400  0x00 // 400 KHz datastream
// #endif

class Adafruit_NeoPixel {


  // Constructor: number of LEDs, pin number, LED type
  Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint8_t p, uint8_t t=NEO_GRB );
  // Constructor for onePixel - no KHZ parameter
//  Adafruit_NeoPixel(uint16_t n, uint8_t p=6, uint8_t t=NEO_GRB);
As a side note - It might just be my highly subjective 'finger test' and wishing it to be true, but the NeoPixel Ring seems to run a bit cooler as well.

Thanks again!

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Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:35 am

Re: NeoPixel Library

Post by 1chicagodave »

Ok…answered my own question.

Aside from my ignorant misuse of preprocessors… It all seems to come down to this little line -

Code: Select all

      : [port]   "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTB)),
That's constrained to a constant. I don't see any way around having a complete set of instructions for each possible port.
Now, I see why "ST" was used when possible. Unfortunately, that's one of the instructions which uses up a different amount of clock ticks depending on the core (Mega, xMega, Tiny). :?

Ah well, it seems to be working on three ports now, at multiple clocks, and across different devices. :D

And…between the slightly lower data rate, and clamping the data line line with a few diodes….the pixels don't even feel warm anymore!
diode clamp
diode clamp
Screen Shot 2014-01-31 at 10.29.55 PM.png (15.29 KiB) Viewed 1289 times
I've got a few touch-ups I'd like to make, then I'd like to post a link up to see if anybody else would like to help me find any more bugs.


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Re: NeoPixel Library

Post by adafruit_support_mike »

You've done some impressive work, and I won't even embarrass myself by trying to discuss the code.. you're right, Phil is the sensei there.

I can offer a small suggestion WRT your diode clamps though: try Schottky diodes or diode-connected transistors.

Schottky diodes work by a different mechanism than silicon diodes, so their forward voltage is lower.. around 0.4v compared to the silicon diode's 0.65v. Schottkys also tend to switch from 'not conducting' to 'conducting' faster than silicon diodes, so they're often used for signal clamping.

If you short a BJT's base to its collector, you get a device that closely approximates a perfect diode. It's still a transistor.. for every 1 electron that passes through the base about 100 pass through the collector.. it's just a transistor constrained to operate at the point where the base and collector voltages are equal. That keeps the base voltage low, so the forward voltage stays around 0.2v for signal clamping. Transistors also tend to be faster than silicon diodes.

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Re: NeoPixel Library

Post by pburgess »

Hey Dave! Sorry for the lack of reply, I've been largely out of commission with the flu for a bit...

That's an impressive bunch of work! Good to know about the ATtiny/ATmega instruction differences...I'd thought I'd taken that all into account, but must've gotten sleepy along the way. Next time I give the library a good going-over, I'll make note of the changes you made and try to keep it more along those lines.

A couple of thoughts, if they help going forward:

- I wouldn't worry too much about the 12 MHz code, and there's a good chance I'll just rip that out of a future version of the NeoPixel library. It's only there because very early versions of Trinket were planned to run at that one speed, before the 8MHz/3.3V 16MHz/5V split was adopted. Elsewhere, 12 MHz Arduino-compatibles are sufficiently esoteric that I don't think removing that code (and focusing brain cells on the other broadly useful cases) is really a disservice.

- Not so sure about the 600 KHz thing. The 400 KHz timing was put in there specifically for the WS2811 driver chip; can't say for certain that it'll tolerate the higher speed; maybe, maybe not. 800 KHz for the WS2812(B)...which, even if it tolerates the slower speed, there's a simple reason (not even related to the datasheet specs) to aim for the higher rate: a lot of users are really obsessed with numbers and speed, and will eschew a "slower" library even if it has no visible impact on the final application. (There are some other reasons too, like getting interrupts re-enabled ASAP, but mostly it's psychology...these are some of the same folks who demand DIMMs with ground effects LEDs, it's a real thing, I kid you not.)

There's some impressive stuff in the latest version of the FastLED library too, regarding brightness scaling (which they're doing on the fly, even on an 8 MHz ATtiny), interleaving each bit of the multiply operation with the data output. I'd vaguely pondered if that might be possible, cool to see they'd nailed it. Might try that if I ever need to do a full nuke-and-reboot of the NeoPixel lib.

Oh, also, cool thing on Hack a Day recently: ... imization/
Someone getting into the inner workings and actual timing (rather than just the datasheet numbers). I'm intrigued by this, but not gonna pounce too quickly with his numbers...from my experiences here it sounds like the latest batches of WS2812B's may work ever-so-slightly different than before, so it might be best to do some of my own experiments first.

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Re: NeoPixel Library

Post by pburgess »

Oh! Disregard my comment regarding killing 12 MHz; I just noticed the SquareWear boards run at that speed. Wearables represent!

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