3.5" TFT dsplay power supply

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3.5" TFT dsplay power supply

Post by kimerafusion »

Hey there, I'm trying to connect a lion battery to both a raspberry pi and a 3.5" TFT display ( https://www.adafruit.com/products/913 ). So to get my 5V output from the battery to get my RPi working I'm using a PowerBoost 500 Charger, but the problem comes when powering the screen. It is supposed to get a voltage between 6V and 12V, so getting the 5V output of the RPi's GPIO pin won't work.
So I looked for some circuit that would allow me to boost my voltage from 5V (GPIO's output) up to 12V, and I found this : http://www.eleccircuit.com/lm2577-5v-to ... regulator/ . Will this work properly if I try wiring this circuit, to GPIO's output, and the screen's power input (with screen's ground connected to RPi's ground) ?
More than that, I don't really have the equipment to create a PCB, are there some alternatives to PCB?

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Re: 3.5" TFT dsplay power supply

Post by Franklin97355 »

You need to look at the current needed. The specs say you need between 150 and 350 ma input and a pi GPIO can not give you that much. you need to get your power directly from the battery and then boost it.

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